Drop-in Pass | $18
10 Class Pack | $150*​
Passes expire after 6 months
Does not auto-renew after usage
Membership or pass begins from the date of purchase.
Includes In-person and Live Zoom Classes
Unlimited Monthly Membership | $125
Unlimited classes per month
Commitment of 1 month
Auto renews monthly after commitment
Membership or pass begins from the date of purchase.
Includes In-person and Live Zoom Classes
Unlimited Access to video library
2 guest passes a month*
8 Classes/Month Membership | $85
8 classes in 30 day period
Minimum commitment of 1 month
Auto renews monthly after commitment
Membership or pass begins from the date of purchase.
Includes In-person and Live Zoom Classes
New Student Special | $57
Unlimited classes for $57
Pass expires 1 months from date of purchase
Does not auto-renew
Membership or pass begins from the date of purchase.
Includes In-person and Live Zoom Classes
Annual Membership / $1,250 year
20% Off Merchandise
10% Off Workshops
Unlimited Access to video library
2 guest passes a month*
Commitment of 12 months
Membership or pass begins from the date of purchase.
Ends 365 days from the date of purchase
Includes In-person and Live Zoom Classes
Wellness Coaching
3 Sessions | $297 - 6 Sessions | $497
30 minute discovery session is free.
*A guest is considered to be someone from outside the area or trying yoga for the first time.
Beginners start here. Great for those who prefer a slower-paced class. No experience or flexibility required.
A blending of yoga styles carefully crafted to mindfully move you through an intelligently challenging class. Props may be used to assist or deepen poses. Moderately paced. Modifications offered for those who want something more than basics while still providing opportunities for students to begin working toward harder poses.
CORE CLASS | 45 min.
Strong movement designed to deepen the strength of the core body. Recommended that you are able to hold a plank for 10-15 breaths.
This class is designed to restore the nervous system and help release deeply held tensions from the body and mind. Most of the poses are on the floor supported by props allowing the body to slowly stretch and release. Drop into complete relaxation and a deep stretch. A great way to rest sore, tired muscles and reduce stress.